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A Sadean take on Asimov's classic Three Laws of Robotics can be found in Roger Williams' NOW REVIEWED ON SLASHDOT!!! The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect. Adult readers only please -- explicit sex and violence. For updates on the "Dead Tree Project" and other topics, you may visit the official fan site, Passages in the Void..

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three four of offsuit and a wardrobe question

2010-09-25 - 10:58 p.m.

Gave back a little of yesterday's win, but I should have lost more. On my first table, I had two opponents who were extremely easy to read. So easy, that the first time the Asian guy shoved on me, he was so excited that he flashed his cards to his friend. There was a diamond draw on board in addition to the possible straight draws, and I myself had top pair with two different straight draws, and I should have been pot-committed because of his short stack size and the amount already invested. However, when he flashed, I saw that he already had the made straight in addition to the diamond redraw. So I can get away.

I consider myself an ethical person, so I also said, "Honey, I saw your hand. You cost yourself money." But I'm not sure he even understood what I was saying. He now flipped over the 9 ♦ -- the key card that gave him the current nuts on board -- to show the rest of the table. "Nice hand, but it should have won more money," I said. "You have to protect your hand."

But even when he had some deception in his game, I could follow him wherever he was going. It's easy to re-bluff me with a huge check/raise when I've got nothing, but on another hand, it just so happened that I flopped a pair of sevens holding 7 ♠ 6 ♠ in my hand. I didn't record the blow-by-blow, but the two club flop was checked around, and I picked up some equity (another spade, I think, don't remember now) on the turn. When it's checked to me again, I bet, and now he check/raises. I can fold, but my spidey sense is tingling. I call and when he fires again on the non-club river, I call and win a nice-sized pot. He had even less than I thought, as it turned out that he wasn't semi-bluffing the turn/bluffing the missed flush on the river. He was check/raise bluffing the turn and firing again on the river with nothing. Maybe not a real smooth move when the way the hand has played, I'm highly likely to put him on the flush draw?

He's shaking his head. "She called me with a seven?" he asks the dealer. Hey, I'm a poker god and modest too.

His redneck buddy was even worse. He might as well have played with his cards face-up. I can't figure out how he got ANY action, but nobody else was paying any attention. One time, he actually yelled out without thinking before the flop, "Five Six Seven of Spades!" The Asian guy and I both gave him the "WTF, man, protect your hand!" look. But it didn't matter, because some clueless dude at the other end of the table went ahead and paid him off when his 9♠ 8 ♠ hit on the river. In fact, good ole boys all over the table were racing with each other to give this kid money. Hello?

In the one significant hand where I'm involved, I have JJ in some late position, I make it $15 to go and even though he's usually nitty, because it's me, he calls in the small blind, big blind calls, and one of the many limpers calls. Now there's over $60 in the pot. Flop is A K J. He bets $120 or so. Again, it's WTF, dude? Protect your hand. I have just flopped a set, and I don't have to call. We all fold, and he sadly turns over his Q ♦ T ♦ to reveal that he merely flopped the stone-cold nuts. I'm just shaking my head. OK, I grok that he figures I got nothing, but if I got nothing, why not let it check around to me and let me bet at it again? Or why not hope one of the other two players remaining flopped some sort of draw or something that will pay you a little something. Why totally blow us off the hand with a huge overbet when you have the stone cold nuts?

But, hey, I'm not complaining. I like easy decisions.

My main problem on this game was that I, literally, won only 3 hands. It got so ridiculous after awhile that I was keeping a running tally in my head. I was making good folds and incredible reads, verified by cooperative players who would show me after the hand was over what they had, but...while it's nice to save money by making great hero folds, it's rather unsatisfying, because a folder is still not winning money. She's just losing less money. Finally, the Asian guy goes broke, and the redneck guy wins way more than he should have (from old boys who should have known better to pay him off), so they both leave the table.

A nice recreational player, who might flirt a little, but who is about 35 or 40 or so and is not really interested in me -- in fact, as you will see, he would really like me to go far, far away -- now starts talking me up. "Do you see that man in the brown jacket?" he asks, pointing to Table # 1. I see that man. "You ever played with him before?" I have not. "That guy will bet $40 in the dark before the flop and draw out on you." Suddenly, I realize that I heard other people talking about this guy yesterday. "You interest me strangely. Tell me more." He does, and I go up to the podium prepared to beg the floor to switch me to table 1. By fortunate chance, there's an angry lady there who will not play any more on table 1. She must be switched to get away from the maniac, and she must be switched NOW. I take her seat, and the world is a beautiful place. Except, uh oh, the maniac is already cashing out. Well, for freck's sake, that worked out real well. At least I know what he looks like, and I know he isn't a pro, because in the 15 minutes I was there, he was in a hand where he told the dealer, "If I win this hand, I'll split the profit with you that I make." He won, and he tipped the dealer $150. Yes, at a 1/2 NL game. So he ain't there to make money. He's just having fun.

OK, here's a humor hand from when I first sat down at this table. I have about $400 so I'm the effective small stack in this game. I'm on the button, and almost everyone has limped in, so I toss in my $2 to see a flop with my 4 ♠ 3 ♣.

8 players. $16.

Flop: A ♦ T ♦ 2 ♣

Interesting. I almost have to be in last place but I have flopped three outs to the stone cold nuts. When everyone checks to me, I decide to check and see what develops. I'm unlikely to be able to steal from 7 opponents, and if I do hit my well-disguised hand, then if someone holds an Ace, I might be in for a nice payday.

Turn: 6 ♥

Nothing has changed. It checks to a good old boy regular who now bets $12. The next man to act smooth-calls the $12.

Since the flop was checked, it isn't impossible that the first man holds a diamond draw, and the second man holds an ace, weak kicker, or vice versa. I think and decide to go for a semi-bluff raise that "looks" like it wants to be called, because sometimes these old boys can fold to such plays. I make it $30 to go, and now everybody folds back around to the guy who opened the betting. By the by, as the erstwhile maniac folds, he makes a comment about black leather pants and S/M, mm-kay, so I know that he's seen me in Tunica. I had no idea we humble 20/40 LHE players in our colorful costumes were observed by the 1/2 NL masses, but perhaps if our costumes involved black leather we should expect to be remembered...

Anyhoo, the good old boy actually still in the hand hems and haws (Hollywooding, as you will learn) but eventually calls. The other guy now calls as well. I revise my thinking. First old boy has the ace, second old boy has the diamond draw.

I think I got off a little because of the rake but I remember that I now estimated the pot at around $105. It was probably really about $103 or so.

River: 5 ♠

Oh, frabjous day. I have hit the nuts. Guy on first bets $55. A chip over half pot. Guy on second has to fold. Sheesh. If guy on first is bluffing a missed diamond draw, he can't call any raise, so there is no profit in worrying about that. I go with my theory that he has an ace. There's $160 in the pot now, so I make it $160 to go. He thinks and hems and haws again, this time for real, but eventually he calls.

I show down my straight, and he practically falls out of his chair. He held AT for a flopped two pair. I think I bet right -- an overbet on that board he has to give me credit for a set, because what else can I have? But we'll never know.

The maniac guy says, "It looks like I am leaving you in capable hands. That's a hand like I would play." And he's off.

I have never bothered wearing my costumes at Biloxi or at the Venetian either for that matter. Am I letting down my public if I don't wear the leather? Hmm...there's just so many people who play NL that it hardly seems worth the bother of putting on all that drag. You never know if you'll see that person again. Limit hold 'em was a small world, and you get dressed up for the small world. Well, I did anyway; a lot of people's costumes were just their schlubby self, frankly. 1/2 and 2/5 NL is a big world of folks where you might be totally wasting your effort to think up a cute or kinky outfit.

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