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the august memo

2003-08-06 - 8:18 a.m.

Two years ago today, the former governor of Texas received a document called the President's Daily Briefing, written by the CIA, entitled, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.," according to investigative reporters Bob Woodward and Dan Eggen. The memo focused on the likelihood of attacks within U.S. borders, then being planned by Osama bin Laden in retaliation for U.S. strikes on Al Qaeda training camps.

As far as we know, the former governor took no action on this information, preferring to continue with his previously scheduled month-long vacation in Crawford, Texas.

There were no alerts sent to the FAA, to warn the airlines to be extra vigilant against possible hijackers.

There was no meeting with the FBI to find out what they knew about Al Qaeda's plans -- which was quite a bit, as the notorious "Phoenix memo," also never acted on, would prove.

In fact, the governor continued with his plan of obstructing any investigation into areas which might embarrass his family's long-time business partners, the Bin Laden family. FBI Deputy Director John O'Neill, the FBI's counter-terrorism expert, resigned in anger that same August because the administration blocked his investigation into Al Qaeda and Bin Laden. O'Neill then accepted a job as head of security for the World Trade Center and died in the attacks he had struggled to prevent.

John Ashcroft had already been warned earlier in the summer not to fly on commercial airliners, so there was no need to give him a ring. And, according to CNN, $110 million had been spent to host and to secure the July G8 summit in Genoa, Italy -- including surface-to-air missiles ready to take down any hijacked airliners or other off-course aircraft that might threaten the gathering. The governor was clearly aware of these precautions, as he had to be housed separatedly from the other world leaders because of the terrorist threat.

Yet no provision was made for protecting New York City or even our nation's capital in the face of similar threats.

I take that back.

The governor must have made one phone call. For, on Sept. 7, his brother, the governor of Florida, signed Executive Order 01-261 allowing him to declare martial law if necessary because of "an act of terrorism against a Florida port."

Florida was ready and safe* -- safe enough that the governor felt he could sit reading a children's book to a classroom while the first and second airliners struck the twin towers.

His safety was assured.

What about ours?

As far as I'm concerned, the fact that he did not alert the FAA is unforgivable. One phone call. One.

Who knows if an extra level of awareness might not have prevented the hijacking of one, or even more, of the planes? Who knows what having sufficient jet fighters on call might have accomplished? And who in hell left the Pentagon, headquarters of our armed forces, undefended, when a hopped-up business meeting in Genoa was protected with surface-to-air missiles not even two months before?

*If you assume that he did not feel safe, then I would think you would have to agree that it was the height of irresponsibility to remain in a classroom and possibly cause the children with him to be collateral targets in an attack on the presidency. Again, when it was incumbent upon him to act, he refused to act, but just let himself be moved around like a puppet on a string.

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