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Eagle Overload: More Eagles, More Cats, the South Africa Edition
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july 4, 2018 - 2018-07-04
the triangle continues of courtney, boobear, & nyota - 2018-07-03
Cookie so cute telling, "Hello" to sparrows - 2018-07-01
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wren with fluffffff - 2018-06-24

Read my new book, The 10 Best Things You Can Do For Your Bird at Amazon or at many other fine distributors like Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Kobo, and more.

By public demand, and after a delay of an embarrassing number of years, I've finally put my notorious essay, Ender and Hitler: Sympathy for the Superman, free on the fabulous internets.

A bibliography of my published books and stories.

Here's a simple card-counting FAQ to get you up to speed on the basics. Here's the true story of the notorious DD' blackjack team, told for the first time on the fabulous internets. No other team went from a starting investor's bankroll of zero to winning millions of dollars.

A Sadean take on Asimov's classic Three Laws of Robotics can be found in Roger Williams' NOW REVIEWED ON SLASHDOT!!! The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect. Adult readers only please -- explicit sex and violence. For updates on the "Dead Tree Project" and other topics, you may visit the official fan site, Passages in the Void..

My Bird Lists -- My Louisiana State Life List, My Yard List and, tah dah, My World Life List.

HEY! What happened to the Peachfront Conure Files? The world's only OFFICIAL Peachfront Conure site now features free peachfront conure coverage, including a magazine length Intro to Conures previously published in American Cage-Bird Magazine, now free on the web. I offer the best free Peachfront Conure information on the internet. If you have great Peachfront Conure info, stories, or photos to share, contact me so I can publicize your pet, your breeding success, your great photograph, etc. on my site. Thanks.

sunset in vegas

2005-12-15 - 4:23 p.m.

D. and I flew to Vegas yesterday. I had the exit row, with no one beside me, for the leg from MSY-MSP, and we got the first class upgrade from MSP-LAS. I probably didn't need that third Dewar's and soda, but our bags were first off the carousal, and Caspar the Invisible Host had actually remembered to send out a limo, so we floated back to our hotel OK. When we arrived at the suite, I could see, yep, the dumbest free show in Vegastm from my window. It actually looked good at this angle, illumination, and state of intoxication.

The first thing that happened today was that D. called to make a reservation at my favorite restaurant, only to find that it was closed for vacation. Argh.

The next thing that happened was that someone stole the front page off of our USA Today. Walking past another room where the paper was still out, I could see that the front page was about the levees for New Orleans. However, CNN doesn't seem to know anything about it, so I still don't know if they plan to hang us out to dry.

On a happier note, I took my birthday gift card to Sak's with a little list of things I might buy. The only thing I bought that was actually on the list was a pair of red leather gloves. Somehow I ended up with $500 worth of SK-II skin products after their computer analyzed my face. I guess the prescription stuff does work, even though I can't use it daily, because the computer said that I had less than average sun damage for a woman of my ethnicity for my age. Of course the dermatologist thinks that some cheap Eucerin and Dove products are all you need to supplement the prescription products, but I don't necessarily agree, since I'm still not satisfied with the texture of my skin. I don't know whether to hope I see real improvement from this kit or not, since I'm probably not going to spend $500 every year to keep up the system. But if it does all it promises, who knows, maybe I'll get a real job.

We have a great view from our suite. Right now the sun is setting orange over the dusky-blue mountains. I think I'm going to enjoy my jacuzzi after I log off. Don't hate me because I'm a princess.

tmthe dancing water fountains

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