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my first 2/5 NL game or, I'm not laughing with you, I'm laughing at you

2010-01-16 - 10:18 a.m.

No 20/40 or 30/60 LHE yesterday. Of course they wait to call the game until 10:30 and then wonder why all the old fogies have wandered off to bed. The three of us who were hovering weren't exactly chomping at the bit to play three-handed with each other. I saw a horrid, passive 30/60 player from Bellagio in the room, but by that point she had tired of watching her hubby play and had actually bought into a tournament. Terrific. Now she's tied up until 2 A.M.

I played for many hours at 1/2 NL. Early on, I won a large four-way pot with an all-in turn semi-bluff on the button. I caught a piece of the flop with my suited A5, the smallest piece that is, the five. The guy who always opens big and then C-bets the flop regardless of any number of players opens and both old dudes know that he frequently C-bets with air so they both call with whatever piece they caught -- second to act says he had AQ so all he had was overcards to the high card on board, a Jack, third to act claims to have held AJ, and now it's on me. If I'd known about the AJ I would have folded right there, but as far as I know, it looks like they're giving me odds to draw to my five-outer. So I call. The turn is some other random middle card, and now the addicted-to-stealing guy has realized he ain't gonna get anyone to lay down a hand, so he checks. Now the AQ makes some ridiculous underbet when it's compared to the size of the pot. I'm going to say $20. Oh FFS. Next guy, of course, now calls the $20. Stealer has presumably given up hope, and the other two players seem to be the type that can find a fold. I'm not saying it's a good idea to bluff three opponents, but after I ponder for awhile and then push all-in, there's a quick fold from the stealer, a long considering grumbly fold from the guy who later claims to have AQ -- in other words, the guy I'm actually ahead of -- and a rapid-fire fold from AJ. Go me.

Sometimes I actually have a hand when I scoop a pot. Here's one of the last hands I played, before I got too deep and decided to quit playing 1/2 NL:

This table has been playing pretty aggro, with lots of pre-flop overbets/raises and at least one guy who does things like elaborate multi-street bluffs with 62. Off-suited. From middle position. I'm a relatively new player at that table and I feel I'm pretty much unnoticed and unknown.

I pick up 62 ♠ in the Small Blind. Three or four limpers. I throw in a buck to complete. Big blind checks. I have about $220 or so in front of me.

Flop is A ♠ K ♠ rag ♠

I has flopped a flush but I have two problems. First, there's only like $10 in the pot, and, second, I don't want anyone hanging around with a single higher flush card. I bet about the pot, $10. And now the clown immediately to my left again bets the pot -- $20. I'm not sure what to do. Another man calls. There is now $60 in the pot, but it will take a huge overbet for me to get all-in. I decide to just call and see what develops on the turn. $70 in the pot.

Turn is the Q ♣

The perfect card for me. How perfect, I don't truly comprehend, but I likey already. It might be a ridiculous risk to take, because it's a disaster if the turn checks through and then a spade falls on the river, but with these clowns, I decide to take that risk. I check, the next dude eyes the pot and then bets $50. Man in the middle folds, and it's up to me. There is now $120 in the pot, and I can happily push all-in without making a ridiculous over-bet. If the other dude already has a bigger flush, that's unfortunate, but I'm going to play my hand for best. I don't really expect him to fold, because I've got him covered with maybe $25 left over, so I'm check/raising for value here.

Now my opponent agonizes and re-agonizes. Oh FFS re-doubled, dude. What's to think about here? Seems like with less than $150 in front of you, and you're looking at that huge pot, if you've got any kind of decent hand at all, you're committed. And if you were multi-street bluffing/blowing smoke up my ass, then you've got an easy fold. But everybody in No Limit thinks they're on TV. They can feel the heat from the camera lights as they sweat and twitch and make every visible effort of Trying To Think. Finally, he does what he should have known he was going to do all along. He calls with his J ♠ T ♥ straight.

River is some random diamond, and my flush is good. I'm afraid that my opponent does not re-buy like an officer and a gentleman; instead, he swears and stomps off in a huff.

When it became brutally clear that 20/40 was a lost cause, I finally headed downstairs and got seated in a 2/5 NL game. My first ever 2/5 NL game. I played only 45 minutes, but I won. Not by making hands. Just by blowing my own smoke up people's ass. The first hand I was ever involved in, I picked up AK in the big blind. The action is something like limp, limp, button raises $35. Is it a steal, or does the dude have a real hand? I've been there two orbits, during which I've done nothing but fold and observe the action, and he's been there even less time. So I don't know, but he's a middle-aged white dude, and doesn't that guy in Harrington's cash games say middle-aged well-dressed white dudes are "turkeys, 100 % of the time they're turkeys." I have a small stack, since I bought in for the minimum of $300 just to watch how the game plays, so what the feck. I raise to $100, three times his bet, only realizing a moment after that I have just pot-committed myself with one-third of my stack, in a game with unknown players, without even a fecking pair. Beautiful. But all I can do now is hope he folds.

The flop is A 9 4 all ♦

I'm supposed to C-bet here, but I decide to speak in the language of the slow-playing fucktard that I know he'll understand. Check, he checks.

Turn is the J ♦

Check, he bets $75, and now there's $275 in the pot. It's worth stealing. I push all-in. "You don't have a diamond. What the hell you doing, you know you don't have a diamond."

That's right, he knows it, and I know it. I don't have a diamond. But does he have the stones to back up his read with cold cash dollars?

He flashes the 7 ♦ and folds. Yah, I get some turkey to fold his flush on the very first hand I played. Go me. Not that I'm calling this an advisable play or anything.

One more hand history and then we'll call it a night. Again, I pick up AK out of position, probably once again in the blind. (Considering the number of hands I got inveigled into playing out of position yesterday, it's amazing I came out a winner.) The button is in the same spot, but it's a different middle-aged turkey, as the first one immediately requested a table change after our sole encounter. Maybe he suspected he got bluffed out of a nice pot, who knows. Anyway, it goes pretty much like before. Some limpers, guy makes a large button raise, and I again re-raise with AK OOP to $100. Limpers fold, button calls. When he just calls, all I know about him is that he's new to the table and wants to see the flop, so with nothing to go on, I decide my hand is best.

Flop is 992, two ♠

My hand is still best, right? OOP, I have no choice but to pound the guy and see what happens. I'm completely scattered and don't make any reasonable calculations about the right size to bet. I just throw another $100 at it. He calls.

I know that nobody folds at LHE anymore, but I thought you guys could find a fold in NL if you were beat? Hmmm.

Turn is another ♠

Well, I can't slow down now. For all he knows, I have AK ♠ right? Unless of course he does. I slam another random bet at it, probably another stack for $100, and he again calls. Either he's in agony or he's the best actor in the world.

River is another 2. Perfect. A double paired board. I am the winner. Unless of course I'm only taking down half the pot. I want the whole pot. I push all in. Guy agonizes for years and finally folds AQ with the A ♠ face up.

"You were beat all the way until the river," I said, flashing my AK. I didn't mean to be a bee, I was just so tickled by the weirdness of the guy calling all those bets with AQ. I guess the spade was a good card for me, because it gave him hope.

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