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A Sadean take on Asimov's classic Three Laws of Robotics can be found in Roger Williams' NOW REVIEWED ON SLASHDOT!!! The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect. Adult readers only please -- explicit sex and violence. For updates on the "Dead Tree Project" and other topics, you may visit the official fan site, Passages in the Void..

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tanagers in their infinite variety

2009-01-27 - 7:45 p.m.

all photos � 2009 by elaine radford

a view from DeYoung Museum tower
Today we visited the historic Golden Gate Park and its rather generically named "California Academy of Sciences." They are big on the ole evolutionary studies and had large exhibits concerning Galapagos and also Madagascar, the Galapagos of the Indian Ocean.

We watched a program in the "world's largest all digital planetarium" and modest too. It was actually quite impressive with the pull-away to see all the scadzillions of galaxies, all of which probably have scadzillions of planets, just outside of the zone of habitability.

There is a huge aquarium here -- and I realized at some point that it was in fact the famous Steinhardt Aquarium. We pretty much wandered endlessly, but a most notable point was the huge Philipines coral reef with all of its multi-colored fishies.

Thanks to the many and multitudinous exotic butterflies, you had to follow USDA/APHIS containment procedures to enter the mult-level rainforest area. It was three stories high, and yet for some of the bad-tempered butterflies, it wasn't enough, because we observed (and I attempted to photograph) various butterflies attacking each other -- and even attacking the various tanagers. One of the lady tanagers was building a nest, in which she was busily incorporating some human tourist's hair, quite at eye level near the elevators where we were being instructed to brush off any butterflies. Maybe it was the only place where she felt like birds, rather than butterflies, were firmly in charge.

The penguin exhibit was OK but ours is better. In a last minute save, as I was walking off, two of the penguins starting kissing each other, so they did rate something on the cuteness scale.

Our pass also included a free pass to the De Young art museum and its oddly shaped tower, with a panoramic view of the area. At the entrance to the elevators leading to the tower were some extremely impressive wire sculptures, but they were un-photo-graphable, since part of what made them so eye-catching was the way they threw shadows -- and a flash would wipe it out.

The museum was sort of a hectic mishmash of whatever had been donated, as far as I could tell. The modern area included some fine work in glass. Chihuly's "Rover's Garden Grows" concerning a pet dog buried in the backyard and now become flowers was extremely striking, as was Jon Kuhn's "Portals of Andromeda" which seemed to have a theme of electronics and reflections. I don't know a way to describe it in words, really, but it was most impressive.

Mexican art, New Guinea art, random African art. And then we were overloaded.

We did a martini tasting at the Top of the Mart while we watched the sunset and all the lights come on. I had first a Crimson Rose -- a pomegranate martini, although not so sweet as the one I had the other day -- and then a Razzmatazz -- a raspberry martini with three raspberries skewered in it. The Crimson Rose was the same color as the sunset, and the Razzmatazz was a deep, almost purple shade of red. DH had first a Dutch-named martini (can't recall exactly what but it was a classic martini) and then a Mardi Gras, which seemed quite similar to a Long Island Ice tea. Needless to say, we were fairly cheerful as we floated down the street and toward the China gate.

The restaurant we found for dinner was not in fact Chinese, despite its cozy location inside the gate, but instead Israeli. Wonderful skewers, and I also very much liked the lentil beans on rice, although poor DH had to avoid the rice. It was way too much food to eat it all, so we got a to-go box and now have some delicious leftovers in our fridge for another day. At first we were a little alarmed at the waiter's struggles with English, but when he mentioned that he had just arrived on Wednesday (!) we were suddenly impressed. He asked us if people in New Orleans were as "freaky" as people in San Francisco. That would be a hell yes, wouldn't it?

There was another middle-aged couple dining in the small restaurant at the same time, and I'm afraid that the woman was a pit bull evangelist. The owner? manager? both? had to get an earful about how the media had brainwashed him to hold his beliefs about pitbulls. "But I saw a pit bull chew a man's leg," he insisted. "You saw it in the meda." "No, I saw it myself." "But it wasn't a pit bull." He was really nice about it, but come on, people. You are not going to win an argument by telling a dude what he saw when you weren't even freaking there.

good glass exhibit currently at the deyoung museum of art, this piece is by josiah mcelheny, and is called model for total abstraction (after buckminster fuller and isamu noguchi), 2003

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