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A Sadean take on Asimov's classic Three Laws of Robotics can be found in Roger Williams' NOW REVIEWED ON SLASHDOT!!! The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect. Adult readers only please -- explicit sex and violence. For updates on the "Dead Tree Project" and other topics, you may visit the official fan site, Passages in the Void..

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keep calling me down with garbage, suckas

2010-02-06 - 3:00 p.m.

I doubled up too fast yesterday at the V, so I had to put in the hours by walking around and trying a couple of other rooms. The NL section at the B is even more miserable, crowded, and uncomfortable than the limit section, but at least I supply some entertainment value to the dealers who are amused to see that I've been converted to the dark side. The best of the three -- bright, roomy, and highly populated by obvious drunks -- was Caesar's, so tis a pity that they're raking the game higher to pay for junk like high hand gimmicks. Once the drunken Albanians left, I decided to leave too, only $10 the richer. I feel I just didn't get my expectation off that table.

For some reason, I seem to get involved in a lot of hands where it's three-way action all-in, and here's another one from early in the day at the V:

1/2 NL. $300 max buy-in, and, believe me, to these dudes, $300 is a huge stack. Too many shorties at this table, in other words. I have about $185 or $190 in front at the start of the hand.

I pick up A ♦ K ♦ in early position. I open for maybe $15, because I'm the class of the table, and I've been open/raising a lot of hands pre-flop to create bigger pots and take these dudes out of their comfort zone. I don't fear that my big opening raise will blow potential callers off the table because they know it doesn't necessarily signal a monster -- especially the less position aware players who haven't noticed that the bullshit raises come from the button.

Unfortunately, the next guy to call is a shorty, who raises all in for say $40. Yikes. I don't particularly welcome his action. On the other hand, I'm going to see all five cards, and if he's going all in with a smaller ace/pocket pair, then I'm getting plenty of chances to draw out. Shaky old white dude calls on the button. Hmm-kay. I don't like it, but I also call.

Flop is A ♠ 5 ♠ 2 ♣

If the old white dude actually has the remaining two aces, I'm dead, but what the hell, two of the aces are gone, and he thinks I'm a tard, and let's just see if he's willing to call me down with KK or QQ. I push all in. He calls with not much more than the usual hand trembling. It turns out that I've got him covered, so I'm getting all of his chips as well as all of the first shorty's chips.

Turn is doesn't matter, and river is who cares. My hand is good. The real shorty shows down AQ, and the old dude is too embarrassed to show his hand. Go me.

For substantially more risk, I played this hand at the B. My image here too was fairly bluffy, and I had the feeling that people were getting sick of my shit. So I'm on the button with T ♠ 8 ♦ and a bunch of clowns limp in hoping against hope to see a cheap flop, and I get the secret signal that it's time to raise it up a little to sweeten the pot. Don't remember the amount. Let's say $5 or $6 -- not enough to get anyone to fold but enough to get everyone to come along and build a pot.

Flop: 9 ♦ 6 ♥ 6 ♦

Well, I've flopped a gutterball against multiple opponents, and I'm not liking my chances a whole hell of a lot, but the pot is large, and while the flop may have given some people flush and/or straight draws, maybe I can price them out. And maybe nobody has improved at all.

All check to me, I bet maybe 2/3 pot. Now a guy in early position who thinks he's good looks at me and says, "I'll call one time."

Nobody's scared of me, but the call from "thinks he's good" convinces everyone else that he's filled up already, and they all fold.

Turn: 7 ♣

I have a straight and a dilemma. If the guy is filled up already, of course I was drawing dead. But if he was floating me to figure out if he could blow me off my huge pot because "she usually doesn't have anything, so she probably doesn't have anything this time," then it's time to get paid off. You can't build an image as spew and then be shy about playing big hands. So, cut to the chase, I go all in. If he's full, I'm toast. So be it.

Thinks he's good says, "OK, I'll gamble. I call."

River doesn't change anything, and I show down my straight to take the pot. His buddies at that end of the table beg to see his hand -- I have a personal rule that I never ask to see a loser's hand, but I don't mind if his friends wanna nag -- and he sheepishly shows down A ♦ 7 ♦.

His idiotic flop call cost him his whole stack. I have nada on the flop, as he suspected. He's not getting any kind of implied odds to draw to his flush because, guess what, I got nada. The flush comes, I'm outta there. In fact, if I don't improve to a non-flushing straight, I'm outta there, because any hand he already holds beats my ten high. The seven on the turn is the perfect card for me -- gives him enough outs to encourage him to call my monster shove when I'm now overwhelmingly ahead. Yay me.

In other news, the doom switch continues for poor IMOM. He didn't actually lose any money at the tables yesterday but apparently $300 was dropped or picked from his pocket. Sigh.

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