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exit thirteen

2011-02-05 - 10:10 a.m.

A decent day for 1/2 NL, although I had originally planned to head for Lake Charles, play some 2/5 NL with the Houston hordes and then join the Winter Hummingbird Tour in Baton Rouge this morning. Too much ice in that direction. Houston (and much else in Texas) appeared to be iced in, so I didn't expect many customers to make the drive all the way to Lake Charles just to play poker. Later, in Biloxi, a trucker guy said he'd heard that there was a big 18-wheeler accident on the Atchafalaya bridge that backed up traffic in the Baton Rouge direction for 5 hours. I don't believe the 5 hours, but I believe it was a situation where I didn't want to go skating in a Bolivian Mercedes. No ice down Biloxi way, so that's where I went. Although it's a beautiful morning now, and I'm only a little bitter about missing the tour.

Gas ran out at Exit 13, an exit I haven't taken since before Katrina. After I filled my tank and turned back toward the interstate, I saw an installation that the town of Bay St. Louis had installed -- a large painting in yellow, along the ridge of the embankment holding up the interstate overpass, with three yellow lightposts on it, presumably so that it can still be seen, all lit up at night.

It said, "Katrina 2005 High Water Mark."

At which point you realize that where you are in your car -- where everything you can see for miles, save the uplifted part of the overpass itself -- would have been underwater. The size of the thing. The mind forgets the enormity of it, and the forgetting allows the memory to suddenly come rushing right back in, as if it happened yesterday.

I got on a game that was pretty much filled with old dudes looking to win a drawing, a bad beat jackpot, or at least get their Aces cracked for $100. Not a game where I needed to buy in deep, and so I didn't. 6 players to the flop. 8 players. 6 players. That type of thing. I went up and down -- mostly down since I wasn't hitting much -- but I pulled out a win for the day all on the basis of this one humor hand. Prepare yourself to be amazed and amused, although if you play this way yourself, expect yourself to be blessed out by bitter old men for the next ten minutes.

Hand of the Day: Bottom Two

I'm in the small blind, and I pick up 3 ♣ 5 ♠. I don't think there's anything controversial about my decision to play this hand, but if you would like to reduce your variance, you could always decline to get involved. Me, I don't mind paying a buck for the rare chance to flop something special. So here we have it, there's a buncha limpers, I put in my dollar, the big blind checks his option, and away we go. 6 players. $12 pot -- well, we'll ignore a couple of bucks to account for the rake. In my head I'm already rounding it off as $10.

Flop: 3 ♠ 5 ♣ 8 ♠

I have flopped bottom two pair on a draw-heavy board. With six opponents, I can have folks drawing at straights (such as open-enders like 67), spade flush draws, or a better two pair if they're already holding A8. Some of my opponents would have put in a pot sweetener raise with 88 or better, and some wouldn't have, but I hold partial blockers to any possible set of 3s or 5s. It is highly likely that my hand is currently the best hand, but it is also highly vulnerable. I'm not interested in giving any free cards.

I bet $10.

The big blind, who peels most flops, calls.

Old Dude #1 now raises to $30. Old Dude #2 smooth-calls the $30. The other guys fold, and it's back to me.

I started the hand with $270, so I'm by far the effective short stack at the table. $90 would be a reasonable three-bet, and it would have me putting in exactly 1/3 of my stack, leaving the question open as to whether I'm pot-committed or not. Also, there is now $90 in the pot, so it's a good bet because I'm not laying any odds. However, I think for a moment and decide to make it $110 to go. I'm not worried about a bigger two pair, which would be the unlikely 85, and there is a reduced chance of a set out there for the reasons I've already mentioned. I'd like to suggest that I'm already very strong and pot-committed and that there won't be any free cards on a safe turn. In fact, I'm going to shove on a safe turn.

The reason I want to make this perfectly clear is because there's a decent amount of money in the pot already, lots of possible draws out because it was a limped multi-way pot, and I would be just as happy to see everyone fold and give me that money right now. Barring that, I'd like to at least get it heads-up so I'm not fighting multiple draws and dodging half or more of the cards in the deck.

Big blind asks for a count of what I hold behind, mumbles "So I have to call $158 more on the turn?", stares at the other boys behind him (probably hoping for a clue as to what their action will be), and he finally folds. One down.

Old Dude #1 agonizes for what seems like years and finally he too looks at the man remaining behind him and folds.

Old Dude #2 calls. Heads-up. $270 pot.

Turn: K ♣

I shove, and he calls.

River: 2 ♦

Big blind is now screaming. "That was my pot! That was my pot!" Apparently, he held A4 for the wheel draw. Whoopsy. Glad I made you fold, then. The man actually remaining in the hand doesn't show. He just quietly mucks, mumbling something inane about holding an overpair plus a flush draw. Um, it's one or the other, me thinks. But whatever. I'm guessing A8, and he thought he was bluff-catching MY flush draw, because we've played together before, and he knows I can semi-bluff draws.

Old Dude #1 was the most bitter and brooding of all. "Well, you got very lucky," he said. "I folded 85. I won't do that again. I thought you had a set of threes." Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. He even pulled Old Dude #2 aside and said, "I thought SURE she had a set of threes." Blah, blah, blah, de blah.

This style of 1/2 NL seems a bit penny ante, but if it proves out to create a reliable small profit, then every little bit helps, right?

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