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grapevine hills or why you should always read the writing on your T-shirt before you wear it

2007-10-19 - 4:43 p.m.

all photos � 2007 by elaine radford

"hoodoo" at grapevine hills trail

Yesterday K. and C. again had us to dinner, and we were delighted by the high quality local steaks that needed no seasoning other than salt, pepper, and a little olive oil. She also prepared a wonderful avocado and tomato salad with insanely sweet tomatoes straight from the garden.

After dinner, later in the evening, a couple of skunks stopped by to steal cat food. Big, fat skunks. I think they're Striped Skunk, but when I asked in the park today, the ranger told me that there were four species of skunks active in Marathon that had been trapped around or even inside (!) people's houses, so I couldn't narrow things down much by saying, "Skunks seen in Marathon."

Poor DH is really not feeling well at all. I feel bad for him, but I still took off for my hike of the day. I decided that I wanted to try Grapevine Hills, because it sounded like the huge rocks there were really atmospheric. I wasn't to be disappointed either. I just hope that my pictures will capture a little of the spirit of the place, with these huge boulders flung out every which way.

along the flat part of Grapevine Hills trail, where you walk inside of a huge field of boulders

On the drive into Big Bend, a coyote crossed my path. Not close, but rather some distance ahead of me, but it was still a nice sighting.

The "auto trail" was more of a challenge than the hike, to be honest. It took 40 minutes to drive 7 miles. It was better than last year's road to the Hot Springs because, even though it was much longer, it was also much wider. I can't believe I wrote this last year:

The drive to this area was on a dusty dirt road. Not Costa Rica bad and certainly not Masai Mara bad. More Lakeview after Katrina bad. A little scary in a Toyota, but I really didn't have much trouble.

I really didn't have much trouble? Then how come I remember wondering if I would fall off the side of the road? The Grapevine Hills road, while somewhat pot-holey and well supplied with an abundance of large rocks, was wide enough -- and isolated enough -- that I could sort of drive around the potholes. I only met two vehicles along the way, an SUV with canoes coming out, and a sedan smaller than mine with two older ladies driving in. At no time did I seriously think about turning around, although on the Hot Springs road I was thinking about turning around the entire time I drove down it. I simply didn't have enough room to make the maneuver.

"balance rock" at the peak of the grapevine hills trail

The hiking trail, while at 2.2 miles round-trip not a long one, was certainly dramatic. I scared up a large flock of Scaled Quail, listened to the rather persistent song of the Bewick's Wrens, and encountered several of the strikingly patterned Black-Throated Sparrows. What a fine sight to see on a sunny afternoon! There was also a Bewick's Sparrow near the very top. I photographed the stones from a number of angles and then scrambled up the last quarter mile to the "Balance Rock." The rock balanced atop two large boulders actually creates a cool, dark window to let the breezes blow through while you inspect the spectacular view. Well worth the trip.

view through the "balance rock," which is actually cool because of the way the wind is channeled through the window

I didn't pass a human soul anywhere on the path, coming, going, or at the peak. A little spooky, but the trail was well-marked, and I carried plenty of water.

A dust devil crossed the gravel road in front of me as I slowly drove back. And yes, I did time the drive, I'm not exaggerating up there when I say how long it took me to drive it. I took precisely 39 minutes. To go 7 miles. Going out seemed easier than going in, maybe because it was easier, or maybe just because I was confident that I wouldn't have to back up and turn around before I reached my goal.

I'd thought about doing another hike, but since I'd spent so much time in direct sunlight, I decided I'd better call it a day a little early. No use getting overheated.

There's a Border Patrol stop just before you get to Marathon. Well, today, instead of just checking to see that I had an American accent, they got my ID and searched my car while asking tons of snoopy questions. They especially seemed to want to know if I had crossed the border into Mexico. They even phoned in my driver's license and car license plate to someone. (I could hear them.) I was baffled at what I might have done to rate this treatment, but when I got back to Eve's Garden and changed into my swimsuit, I noticed the T-shirt I was wearing. Oh crap. Yes, it was the "River of Raptors" T-shirt from Veracruz 1998, which was very clearly a souvenir of a Mexican vacation. Oops.

how about that easter island vibe along the grapevine hills trail?

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