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A Sadean take on Asimov's classic Three Laws of Robotics can be found in Roger Williams' NOW REVIEWED ON SLASHDOT!!! The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect. Adult readers only please -- explicit sex and violence. For updates on the "Dead Tree Project" and other topics, you may visit the official fan site, Passages in the Void..

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a death on 27th street or hell done froze

2006-01-09 - 9:14 a.m.

I just read something I never, ever thought I'd see published in the front page news -- an account of a shooting death on 27th Street. I didn't think I'd never see it for lack of shootings and murders. Ho no, shooting other people to death over nothing is a regular hobby of certain of the residents. I never thought I'd see it because the corruption in Kenner is such that they were able to keep their business out of the public eye. Even the most spectacular news reports, such as the headline along the lines of "Murder Rate Quintupled in the Months After C----- Takes Office" were two paragraph items buried in the back pages instead of front page headliners.

Now, with the parish president in disgrace for unrelated matters -- ordering the abandonment of the pumping stations in advance of Katrina -- and without the distraction of similar crimes in New Orleans, every day you're reading in the paper about some Kenner politician trying to steal storm supplies from FEMA or cheat on a tax sale or any of a number of other high crimes and misdemeanors. Their power to keep a lid on their shit is over. It's OVAH. And now even the murders are going to be reported to the public at large.

The funny thing is, I'm sure plenty of Kenner residents will sit there and tell you straight-faced that the crime has moved over from New Orleans since Katrina. Well, don't believe it. I lived on 27th Street in 1988-1990, and it was always a lively area for cops on the take, crack dealers, and shoot-outs. Perhaps the most humorous shoot-out involved the FBI enjoying an exchange with the drug dealers who'd set up operation in the nearby Days Inn motel and nursing home.

Why the FBI instead of local law enforcement, you might ask? Well, I won't spell it out just yet until I see some high level bad guys arrested, but if you think about it you'll figure out the usual reason why locals don't enforce the laws.

Some time back, I wrote a private entry about my experiences in Kenner, which I never put in public because, hey, I want to live. I never, ever, ever thought I would live to see the day when I could even consider posting such matters in public, online, for anyone to read. Now I'm catching the scent of possibility. These dudes are actually losing their death grip on power. Would they, could they, even go to jail for their crimes against humanity? Oh, call me a crazy dreamer.

A quote from the Times-Picayune story:

Kenner police are searching for two men who allegedly killed another man after he told them they could not loiter outside his friend's house in the Veterans Heights subdivision.

Second-degree murder warrants have been issued for Jeremy M. Gould and Deivon K. Trim, both 19, and both of Kenner, in the death of Eric Diggs, 29. Diggs was shot Wednesday in the 600 block of 27th Street, near Huntsville Street.

Police said witnesses told them Gould and Trim were loitering on a corner Tuesday near a home where Diggs and his girlfriend were visiting. Police said Diggs went out and asked Gould and Trim to move on.

I suppose it should be clear to any but the most clueless reader that the man asked them to move along because they were dealing drugs on the street corner. You can't call the cops about it because, well, you do the math. In any case, I always found that a policy of pretending not to notice the drug dealers was the way to go.

But I made an error in strategy when I stupidly said to my clueless neighbor, who'd lived there a decade and somehow managed not to notice that every other house and parked car was a crack den, wow, I can't get over how open they are about selling drugs in Kenner. It played on his mind, he started watching, and finally he observed some drug sales going down for himself -- right across the street from his house.

So he got into it with the Crack Dealers Who Couldn't Shoot Straight, got his house shot up, got his next door neighbor's house shot up, and eventually got our house shot up. That's the short version. If they really put some corrupt politicians and police officers in prison, one day I'll tell the long story in a public entry instead of keeping the lock on it. But it's early days yet. All we've seen yet are a few cracks in the facade.

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