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By public demand, and after a delay of an embarrassing number of years, I've finally put my notorious essay, Ender and Hitler: Sympathy for the Superman, free on the fabulous internets.

A bibliography of my published books and stories.

Here's a simple card-counting FAQ to get you up to speed on the basics. Here's the true story of the notorious DD' blackjack team, told for the first time on the fabulous internets. No other team went from a starting investor's bankroll of zero to winning millions of dollars.

A Sadean take on Asimov's classic Three Laws of Robotics can be found in Roger Williams' NOW REVIEWED ON SLASHDOT!!! The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect. Adult readers only please -- explicit sex and violence. For updates on the "Dead Tree Project" and other topics, you may visit the official fan site, Passages in the Void..

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HEY! What happened to the Peachfront Conure Files? The world's only OFFICIAL Peachfront Conure site now features free peachfront conure coverage, including a magazine length Intro to Conures previously published in American Cage-Bird Magazine, now free on the web. I offer the best free Peachfront Conure information on the internet. If you have great Peachfront Conure info, stories, or photos to share, contact me so I can publicize your pet, your breeding success, your great photograph, etc. on my site. Thanks.

tourists on a monday

2010-04-06 - 11:34 a.m.

Wheel spinning. I had a large fish on the line but by the time I reeled him in, his bones had already been picked clean, in classic Hemingway fashion. I played 9 hours and never picked up a large or interesting pot. Because the target would pretty much call any bet up to $100 to see a flop, I had to plan my steals carefully -- betting big to get his money in the pot before he saw the flop had missed him. Then I'd pick up the chips with a flop or turn C-bet. However, I waited in vain for that one big hand to materialize at the same time that he -- or anybody else -- had enough to pay me off with. I stole enough to keep me from losing any real money but not enough to profit. When the target finally lost the last of his $2,400, I'm sorry to report that I actually quit the game $70 down.

Speaking of what makes me very, very sad: Finally, after waiting for all these hours and days, to hit a set, I hit two, but not in very pleasant situations. On the first one, I couldn't get any serious action. The target had enough to peel the flop but not enough to go any further.

On the second, I had pocket queens under the gun. Oh frabjous day. (That would be sarcasm.) I started the ball rolling with a $15 open raise but no one took the bait to re-raise me. Instead, a buncha clowns, including a new player one seat down and the target, tagged along. The flop is 2 3 4, 2 diamonds, and I'm not C-betting this easily called mess from UTG, so I check. There's some other checks. The target reliably bets when checked to, and he did this time too. I called, and the new player called. Everybody else here and there folds out of our way. $30 each, so now there's I dunno around $170 in the pot. The new player only has $200 left but he had some chips in his hand, I guess, because I only saw $180.

The turn is the Queen of diamonds, so I've just hit my set while putting a possible flush on board. Since the pot started out with 5 or 6 players, then it's quite possible that someone has a flush. But, considering the money already in the pot, I'm pot-committed with my set against the shorty's stack. If the target comes back with a huge re-raise, it's a little different, since I've never seen him make the big bluffs. He prefers to bet at weakness and call, call, call at strength, not make daring bluff-raises. Besides, if the other guy between us calls all in, the pot's protected from even the remote possibility of a bluff.

So I put in what I think is enough to put the shorty all-in, the shorty goes all-in with the remaining chips, and the target abandons ship.

There's a kerfuffle until I'm given to understand that the shorty had $20 or so more than I thought he did, but I finally catch on that they want more money, I toss in the remaining pennies, with a smile, and now we can see a river card.

It happens to be a lovely 4, giving me Queens full and the pot. The shorty angrily threw down his pocket 33s face up. Yeah, he flopped a set and played check/call into two players. He probably could have pushed me out of the pot by all-in check-raising the two of us on the flop. Too bad for him that he let me take a cheap card. I could see if he'd flopped a full house and wanted to let someone else catch a flush card, but why do you let people get a cheap draw at their flushes and straights when you've "only" got a set with two cards to come? He shot himself in the foot.

We also had a quadriplegic at the table, complete with a large tattooed bodyguard to do all the physical flinging around of chips and money for him, and I'm thinking, boy, who the hell feels like taking money from a quadriplegic? In the event, he seemed to play tight, hardly ever getting involved in any hands. When I did get in the one hand I was involved with him, I went with the nit assumption and double-barrel bluffed the turn and the river, despite being surprised he'd even called the turn. He folded.

Subsequent events made me wonder if I'd just read him wrong and that maybe he'd just gone a long time getting NO cards at all, because all of a sudden he went wild and spewed off $1,800 in two hands back to back to the same kid, which just isn't something your nit is gonna do.

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