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Here's a simple card-counting FAQ to get you up to speed on the basics. Here's the true story of the notorious DD' blackjack team, told for the first time on the fabulous internets. No other team went from a starting investor's bankroll of zero to winning millions of dollars.

A Sadean take on Asimov's classic Three Laws of Robotics can be found in Roger Williams' NOW REVIEWED ON SLASHDOT!!! The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect. Adult readers only please -- explicit sex and violence. For updates on the "Dead Tree Project" and other topics, you may visit the official fan site, Passages in the Void..

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HEY! What happened to the Peachfront Conure Files? The world's only OFFICIAL Peachfront Conure site now features free peachfront conure coverage, including a magazine length Intro to Conures previously published in American Cage-Bird Magazine, now free on the web. I offer the best free Peachfront Conure information on the internet. If you have great Peachfront Conure info, stories, or photos to share, contact me so I can publicize your pet, your breeding success, your great photograph, etc. on my site. Thanks.

tropical storm lee, or, when birds snub birds

2011-09-04 - 9:25 a.m.

Rain, rain, rain, who brings the rain? Power out most of the daylight hours yesterday. We had a barbecue on the bird porch. Now we're out of charcoal so I jumped up this morning just now and fried up the rest of the chicken, before the power goes out again. We can use the white gas kit to fix the veggies and franks if need be, but I don't think it's the practical answer to cooking chicken.

We discovered that the supposedly waterproof weather radio was filled with water, so we had little idea yesterday of the progress of the storm. I thought it made landfall yesterday. Apparently, we were just getting the outer bands and it made landfall this morning and is now heading our way.

The backyard was active, with birds feeding constantly, sometimes even in rains so heavy that you'd think they would knock down a hummingbird. Lots of hummers using the feeders, but the oddest thing I saw was a hummingbird who pecked the back of a Tufted Titmouse who was at the seed feeder. It wasn't a mistake or a random expression of high testosterone, because the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird drove the Tufted Titmouse off the feeder and into the tall weed tree (30 or 40 feet or so tall) that is too near the neighbor's house. The Titmouse went around and around the trunk of this tree, trying to hide in the green leaves, and the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird executed every twist, turn, and circle to continue giving chase. What on earth could a TUTI have done to peeve off a RTHU so badly?

Saturday's Birds of Tropical Storm Lee, in order of appearance

  1. Common Grackle
  2. Brown-Headed Cowbird
  3. Red-winged Blackbird, a flock of males, I may have seen one female (which may have been a late-molting immature male) all day
  4. Blue Jay
  5. Brown Thrasher
  6. Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
  7. Mourning Dove
  8. Northern Cardinal
  9. Carolina Wren
  10. Northern Mockingbird -- doesn't use the feeder for food, just for a perch
  11. Tufted Titmouse
  12. Carolina Chickadee

We also heard a raptor calling, but I'm not good enough to know which one just from its voice. I could distinguish it handily enough from the Blue Jay mocking it, though.

I have now observed that whereas Cookie does not normally acknowledge other birds as peers, all Saturday he frequently greeted Blue Jays and tried to engage them in discussion with various gambits like, "Hello, Bird," and "Hello, Pretty Bird, hello, Cookie." No Blue Jays ever responded. Poor Cookie.

To add to his troubles, when I let him out to use the bird porch play pen, Courtney heckled him mercilessly for almost an entire hour, mostly by doing the vampire bat/wing-flapping routine but also by openly catcalling him. This Cookie ignored, never betraying by so much as a flicker of a feather that he heard a thing.

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