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yeah, so i'm just a bad human being and a bad poker player, just ask 'em

2009-06-29 - 12:59 p.m.

A day that started as a big day but ended as a decent day. I'm winning I guess at about my expectation but IMOM continues to crush the opposition. Here are a couple of humor hands against good players from the 30/60 LHE yesterday.

Here's one I played late in the evening against a guy I'll call Ethically Challenged Dude (ECD for short), and if he ever reads this (he won't), he damn well knows why. He pretended to kinda, sorta "where do I know you from?" (like you'd forget anyone who caught you cheating) and I said, "a long time ago, before I went to Madagascar," and he didn't say much more. I hope he took the hint that I'm willing to leave any discussion of his bad behavior in the past, as long as he doesn't repeat it when I'm around. He's actually a very good player, so I don't know why he would indulge in any kind of questionable crap anyway, but people sometimes.

I didn't note down the exact action at the time, but maybe some other dude posted to get in the game and then ECD posted behind the button, and I'm kinda early but there's two posts and I look down and I have KT sooted and while I don't look forward to tangling with this guy, I figure I can send him a message that I'm not afraid of him either. Besides, there's too much dead money in the pot, and I figure either I'm going to get it, or he is.

So I open raise, he calls, the other people here and there get out of the way and it's heads up.

The flop is 67T.

Well, here's where the self-hatred starts with KT. But, WTF, he's going to defend his post in position with a wide range of hands -- perhaps even wider because he thinks I'm weak -- so I'm going to play it for the best hand and see what happens.

I C-bet, he auto-raises, I 3 bet, and he calls. So we each have, well, we each have something but I'm laying claim to a better something. And I'm totally trying to think of the best way to fuck with this guy.

The turn is another 6.

Perfect. I decide right then that I'm going to screwplay this guy. So I check, which is an open invitation for him to bet. I'm happy to check-raise. At this point, if he really has very little, he needs to lay it down and give up on trying to game me. But he does the big think and then calls. So maybe he's got more than I think, but maybe he has a gutshot and is trying to calculate his outs. In fact, the more I think about it now, the more I'm leaning toward the gutshot theory.

River is a 7 and I decide that there's no point in giving this guy a free showdown here, so I fire again. More big think, then he mumbles that I must have a straight and he folds. So what does he have here? Maybe T8, T9, A8, A9, 88, 99, in which case I was best all the way after the flop. Maybe AT in which case he laid down the best hand. Who knows, I don't, but I think I left him in plenty of doubt about what the hell was happening here. Not that Peachfront ever advises picking fights with guys that are bigger than you, in fact, I advise against it, but sometimes it just feels right.

OK, now here's one from early in the session with an intelligent regular player who is a bright guy who has played a lot of poker but maybe has spent more time and brainpower on things like, I dunno, being a doctor or something like that, so he has some soft spots in his game. Not a pushover, but not someone necessarily to be feared.

Again, I didn't write down the exact action at the time I played the hand, but I was in the big blind with JT sooted. The action was something like open raise from a guy who sucks, cold call on the button from another one who's sorta lame, Doc in the small blind three bets, and I don't really need to call two bets with JT sooted but the pot is going to be multi-way, and the hand is going to be easy to play, so why the hell not. A fold is OK here but I'm just not folding this time.

The flop is Q9rag rainbow. Doc bets, I call with my open-ender, and I don't remember the rest of the flop action, but after it's all over with, I'm still there with my 8 outs, and Doc is still in the lead, and the other folks are history.

Turn is some other useless rag. He bets, I call, as I'm getting over the odds to catch one of my 8 outs.

River is a K. He bets, I raise, he calls, and I turn over my nut straight. Now you may be scratching your head and wondering, what the hell is interesting or funny about this completely standard hand, but the funny part is the lecture I received. He actually said to me, "I thought you knew better than to call two bets with that hand. I had too much respect for your play. I won't make that mistake again."

What am I supposed to say? "Sorry, I suck," is about all I could come up with. Actually, I don't think my play was all that bad but whatever.

For more incredibly inane poker commentary and hand histories, you can find my index by clicking right here.

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