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fun with 54sooted and even more fun with black tens

2009-06-27 - 11:04 a.m.

30/60 Limit Holdem. The game was mostly OK to a few hours of terrific fishing. Yesterday they didn't have a chance against the mighty Peachfront. Four racks, go me. It's even more impressive when you understand that pretty early in the day, I flopped a full house in a huge pot with multiple opponents and played it fast all the way, capping it on the flop. The dude was so far behind with his overpair KK that he didn't have a clue. But you all know the end of this sad story....dude catches his bigger full house on the river and I have to pay him off. I know exactly what has happened but for meta-game I don't build a huge pot and then let the other guy take it for one more bet, so I have to pay him off.

He was some old dude who hadn't been there long when it happened, but fortunately as the evening progressed I realized he was more of a clueless old dude than a wily or nitty old dude and I eventually got all of his chips.

Anyhoo, here are a couple of the hands:

The first one was early in the session, maybe 30 minutes in or so, and there are some tight, good regulars in the game but also some passive unknowns or maybe just fairly intelligent tournament guys who play too much No Limit and want to limp in and see "cheap flops." Ha. In any case, somebody limps, I call with the mighty 54 of spades, button raises, blinds calls, we limpers call, and away we go, wheeee, it's 10 bets in the pot already. And, yeah, yeah, I don't wanna hear it, I know perfectly well that you only call with 54 suited if you've got a limper and a caller in front of you, but the way the game was playing, I was pretty confident of getting four or more opponents, and the first limper was just terrible, so...what do you do? My implied odds are terrific, because the button can be counted on to C-bet or raise almost every time, and the other guys are highly likely to put in more bets too. So gamble it up.

The flop is rainbow 2, 3, 6.

I has the nuts and you don't, nah nah. The small blind donks. Yah, he donks into four opponents. WTF? There's no flush draw available, and I have a decision. Button is aggro and I figure he's not giving it up without a fight, so I don't wanna exclude him yet if I can get more bets out of him. I could raise here and just get in a bidding war with the donker, but what if the donker is a fucktard and he's just betting out with a small pair or just donking because, "Hey, they ain't got none of that." Yah, bluff donking into four opponents thus offering them 11-2/3 to 1 odds is teh stupid and teh crazy, but I've never seen the guy before, and it's not impossible that a person playing poker could be stupid/crazy, hey, stranger things have happened.

I decide to take a chance and gamble on the button's aggression. I don't raise. I just call to let him in, and now I'm praying for a 3 bet opportunity. Button cooperates beautifully. He raises, donker calls, and now I three bet. They both call. Don't you love it when a plan comes together?

Also, I'm now doubting that anyone has trips, because it seems like they'd have to go for the 4 bets in that situation.

Turn is another 3. If anybody (it would be small blind/donker) had trip 3s, they now have quads. Any other trips, he has just filled up. But I don't think he does. He checks, I bet, button folds, small blind check/raises me, and I'm thinking, well, you know what I'm thinking and it rhymes with duck. But I'm still going to test this guy. It could even be a bluff, because a 2363 board is a pretty damn good place to try to blow somebody off their hand. And the flop just didn't play like he had trips, although he could be one of those deceptive players, who knows. I think I'm gonna cry, but I'm not gonna just give up here. I three bet.

Then he goes into the long agonizing Big Deep Think to the point where I'm twitching in my seat. It's taking too long. Quads, I think, although even the full house is enough to sink me and I'm drawing dead. Why else the Hollywood? There's nothing to think about here. If he was bluffing, he can't call my turn 3 bet. If he's way ahead, the prolonged torture session is not really needed in a time game.

He finally does call, and the river is an irrelevant 8, and he checks to me.

Well, if he has a clue train, it's one of two things -- he has a decent hand that has decided to call the turn and then call the river because it's stupid to call that turn if you're not gonna call my GUARANTEED bet on the river, or he's going for the check raise. I just mentally prepare myself for the punishment and bet. You will not believe what happens.

He folds. Yay, that's right, there's 16.5 big bets in the pot and getting 16.5 is not enough for the guy. He flashes me the 3 of diamonds and folds. He could have saved himself $60 and folded to my 3 bet on the turn if he's gonna do that.

Not that I'm bitching about an extra $60, mind you.

After he took a walk to cool down, my Tunica buddy said, "He put you on a set of sixes and figured he was drawing dead."

Yah, I get that. But he paid off that three bet on the turn anyway. Bless his heart. And he was not anywhere near the worst player at that table either. In fact, he was actually pretty decent compared to some of the competition.

OK, here's a hand from later in the evening, when all the spewtards were to my right and all the tight players were to my left and I was in the middle in the five seat. In this hand, I'm on the button.

Nothing Special Lame Guy open-raises, Quiet Crazy Spewtard three bets, weak-tight old toothless Russian four-bets, I'm on the button with two black tens, and I cap. Blinds get out of the way, and it's 21-2/3 small bets in the pot.

Flop is JJ2. All check to me. If anybody in this crew has a J, they'll probably wait and punish me on the turn. I don't really know how many hands I can fold on this flop but hell. Any A, K, or Q I can fold out is a victory for me, and I can probably get rid of Lame Guy right away if he just has overs. And so it goes...Lame folds, Spewtard who peels any flop and weak-tighty call.

Turn is a 4 of irrelevant suit-age.

Check, check, bet.

Even Spewtard can take no more. He folds. Now it's up to weak-tighty. He folds AK suited -- six live outs in a pot offering him 14 to 1. The bad influence next to me eggs me on to show my hand, and I do, and weak-tighty calls me everything but a white woman because of my stupid play. Ha. He's tilting the rest of the night. He doesn't know whether to keep folding too much or to start spewing like his next door neighbor, the official table Spewtard, but soon they're both spewing and it's all coming to me.

If you want more idiotic poker commentary, click here to visit the index to my poker pages.

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