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Here's a simple card-counting FAQ to get you up to speed on the basics. Here's the true story of the notorious DD' blackjack team, told for the first time on the fabulous internets. No other team went from a starting investor's bankroll of zero to winning millions of dollars.

A Sadean take on Asimov's classic Three Laws of Robotics can be found in Roger Williams' NOW REVIEWED ON SLASHDOT!!! The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect. Adult readers only please -- explicit sex and violence. For updates on the "Dead Tree Project" and other topics, you may visit the official fan site, Passages in the Void..

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HEY! What happened to the Peachfront Conure Files? The world's only OFFICIAL Peachfront Conure site now features free peachfront conure coverage, including a magazine length Intro to Conures previously published in American Cage-Bird Magazine, now free on the web. I offer the best free Peachfront Conure information on the internet. If you have great Peachfront Conure info, stories, or photos to share, contact me so I can publicize your pet, your breeding success, your great photograph, etc. on my site. Thanks.

bluff 'em with nothing and bluff 'em with something but, for the love of all the little green fishes, don't claim you're a saints wife

2010-05-30 - 1:06 a.m.

A great 2/5 NL day for the team. I started my day at the V, where I found myself in the happy paradise of weak-tight donkeys. I was stealing right and left, and I made three squeezes from the blind with AK, none of which ever got called. It was just steal, steal, steal, all over the place. Alas, I wasn't getting paid if I actually made a hand. But oh well. Here's my most brilliant steal, tee hee.

Hand # 1: I Get the Secret Signal to Steal from Early Position

So I pick up 8 ♣ 7 ♣ from early position, and in accordance with my own secret theory of when to bluff early (which ain't too often), it's time to throw out a raise. I bet $15, and everybody calls. Seriously, I'm fairly sure that a dude on table 22 even threw his $15 into the pot. 8 players. $120 pot. My stack is around $410.

Flop: K ♥ 3 ♦ 5 ♣

Huh. Well, that isn't the flop I'm looking for. There is no use C-betting into 7 opponents. I decide to check and see what develops.

The tight old white dude immediately to my right bets $35. Oh come on, dude. $35 into a $120 pot. This will not stand. Fold, fold, fold, and eventually it gets to an extremely timid, nay even mousy, weak-tight Asian man, who calls. Hmmm again. It folds back around to me and I finger my chips in the proper sinister villain style as I consider what to do and how much it will take to do it.

If I check/raise, the Asian man will fold without question. I've seen him do it over and over again, during the brief hour of our shared existence at this table. The old white dude has just joined the game, and I *think* he's a tourist, who doesn't know of the Asian man's mousy proclivities, which were joked about by an aggressive Mexican (?) player at our table before he arrived. If I check/raise, he will assume that I'm check/raising two players who probably like their hand, and it will be awfully hard for him to call with less than two pair, which an old white dude don't have on that board.

I raise to $100. Old white dude thinks and spins but eventually folds. Asian dude almost folds out of turn -- fortunately, old white dude doesn't realize it and change his mind and decide to call down -- but his cards hit the muck so fast that they almost catch on fire.

"Show the bluff," says the Mexican. "It's good for the game."

Sick of not getting paid off on real hands, I do. This "crazy" play is the topic of discussion for the next thirty minutes. And, yes, now when I have real hands, I AM getting paid. Old white dude claims he held KJ. Asian dude says he held KT. Tee hee for me.

My only issue is the lack of "real" hands. I need to get a few so I can reap the benefits of my loose image.

Hand #2: A More Traditional Flop Semi-Bluff

I'm bopping along and mostly doing OK now. In fact, I now have a $600 stack. We've had plenty of limp-a-la-loozas, and this time it just so happens that I limp in with A ♠ 9 ♠. The young Asian girl who sometimes plays 5/10 (but who doesn't necessarily appear particularly creative, although she is certainly a solid player) makes it $20 to go on the cut-off. She scares everybody in, and it's 6 players to the flop. $120 pot.

Flop: Q ♠ J ♠ 5 ♣

$120 is already 20 % of my stack, and I have flopped the nut flush draw. I think for a minute, and when it folds to me, I decide to make a healthy bet, even though I don't have the great fold equity that I had at the beginning of the session. So I bet $80 -- 2/3 pot.

It folds to the Asian girl, who raises to $200. All fold back to me, and there is now $400 in the pot, while I still have $500 remaining behind. I'm a bit flummoxed. I don't wanna bet pot and leave a pea-picking $100 behind. I don't know quite what to do. Although my fold equity seems pitiful, since she knows I'm a bluffer, it could be that's she re-bluffing with little, and if I come back over the top, she will finally have to fold if she has as little as TPTK. So I think and mutter and finally shove all-in.

She calls. A verbal call, where she doesn't actually push her chips into the pot. I hate that, but they all do it, so, I just have to trust that if I win, the dealer will make a running tackle before she takes off for the parking lot.

Turn: 8 ♠

I has turned the nuts with no waiting. Whew.

River: 4 ♣

She turns over Q ♣ J ♣ and there's a kerfluffle while she thinks, or pretends to think, that she won the hand, but eventually the dealer points out that the nut flush probably beats two pair and that she needs to cover my bet. Whhheeeeee. I has doubled up, and it's a beautiful day.

Once my stack was too deep, I went over to the Wynn and played awhile. The game was great for awhile, but then my ancient calling station old man donkey with bad eyesight was replaced with a compulsive liar who is, I suppose, a high end call girl or an escort, who may or may not launder the money by describing it as poker income on her tax return. Now, I realize that lying is allowed at the poker table, but I am just sooooo not interested in hearing about how you gave up your scholarship at Yale to become a professional poker player. Nor am I interested in hearing about the screenplays you write for Will Smith. After that particular whopper, every man at my table is a screenplay writer and knows some famous somebody in the business, that is, except for the guy who's a pro baseball player and the guy who's a pro basketball player. When it somehow comes out that I'm from New Orleans, she explains that she's the ex-wife of one of the Saints. Oh FFS. I'm not getting paid enough to sit and listen to this bullshit, even at the $80 an hour I took off the table. Feets, get me out of here! I flee the place early enough to see the non-Wynn, non-classy TI pirate show, with trashy women in hardly any clothes and bad fake 1970s heavy metal music. Get me out of here squared...

Oh, and since it seems to me that I never hit big hands, let it be noted for the record that today I rivered quad eights. I didn't bother to write down all the details since it wasn't particularly deep, but several of us have limped in for $5. I held 8 ♠ 8 ♣

Flop: 8 ♥ 7 ♥ 5 ♣

I bet out 2/3 pot as I almost always do on highly coordinated boards, but no one takes the bait except for my calling station friend. He will and probably is chasing a draw but, since he's to my immediate right, I have position on him. My only big problem is that he's short.

Turn: 6 ♥

The worst card in the deck. He doesn't think about how the board looks to me. He just uses fish logic, "Me has straight now, I go for the check/raise!" Of course I have no serious choice but to check behind, with a plan to pay off only a tiny river bet, which is all he's likely to make now that he realizes I might have "nothing."

River: 8 ♦

There's a game changer. He bets out $30, and I glance down at his approximately $130 stack and try to decide how much he'll pay off. If I say "all in," I'm afraid he'll wake up and notice that the board has paired. So I finally say, "$100 more," hoping that he will take it on himself to shrug and throw in that last $30 on top if his hand is good enough.

He stares at the board for simply ages, blinking and asking the dealer what the last card is, and finally he just calls the $100. He thinks I filled up, but he's willing to pay that much because of his turned straight. "You got it on the turn," he said. "I got it on the turn." The only thing that beats him on the turn is a flush, so I don't know what he's jabbering about, but whatever. I'll also never know if he would have convinced himself to pay off with his whole stack or not, but since it was only $30 more, and I didn't want to spook the sleepy-eyed old boy, I won't beat myself up too much over leaving that money on the table.

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