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A Sadean take on Asimov's classic Three Laws of Robotics can be found in Roger Williams' NOW REVIEWED ON SLASHDOT!!! The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect. Adult readers only please -- explicit sex and violence. For updates on the "Dead Tree Project" and other topics, you may visit the official fan site, Passages in the Void..

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per mason malmuth, always a bad idea to look crazy people in the eye

2009-05-01 - 6:21 p.m.

I don't go around using people's real names too much when discussing poker, but in the case of Mason Malmuth, I think it's OK because he's already a public figure well-known in the community as the owner of the famous Two Plus Two publishing company which puts out many of the most well-regarded poker books. He also owns a website that includes an online magazine. I think it's a pretty neat gesture that each month he publishes a number of free articles in the online magazine, and you can access the articles for three months for free. After that, the content goes back to the writers so they can sell it again. So it seems like a pretty good deal all-around.

I don't think it's any mystery to Mr. Malmuth that he is regarded as an exceptionally tight player. I've played with him a few times now. Most of the time, it seems like he sits down, watches and waits, gets disgusted, and gets up. On my last trip, however, we were on a table where you'd have to hate money to get your butt out of that chair, and so he was on my right for a good little while because even the tightest man on the planet was not leaving that situation. And I can't really say that he got in my way at all, ha ha, in fact, I hardly noticed that he was there. In addition to being extremely choosy about his hands, he really doesn't have much to say. For the most part, he sort of avoided meeting my eyes, and I assumed that he was afraid I was going to ask him some question instead of if you want to know what I think, read my damn book. Hey, I can grok that. Who wants strangers asking you the same damn questions about the same damn "stuff" all the time, right?

But then yesterday night he posted an article called, "More Psychology," in the May magazine:

" never know what will set a crazy person like this off, and then they are gone. So, my advice in these spots is not to do anything. In fact, I don�t think you should even look directly at them. They are doing exactly what you want, which is sitting at your table giving their money away, so why take any action that might change it. If they speak to you, give them a short polite answer and nothing more. And most import[ant], don�t stare at them. Just keep your head down and play poker as best you can."

This is exactly how he played with me. He sort of avoided my eyes and pretended I wasn't there. Holy cow, Batman. Does this mean that Mr. Malmuth thinks I have teh crazy??? Actually, I think it's the way he always plays. Maybe he thinks we all have teh illogical and teh crazee.

OK, I'm laughing, but does Malmuth have a little bit of a point? A couple of days earlier, before my single long session with Malmuth, I ordered a drink for one of my finned friends, who looked like he was getting a little antsy about the glacial slowness of the beverage service that is the B. I was just trying to be nice, but I think he thought I was interested in him, because he then got the hell out of Dodge. And by getting the hell out of Dodge, I mean he unglued his drunk ass from the seat immediately, cashed out, and actually got the drink off the cocktail waitress's tray some distance away from our table. Fortunately, he was back the next day, and it seemed that all was forgotten...or maybe it was never about me to begin with.

That's what Malmuth misses here, I think. It ain't about you. Somebody can be offended you talked to them, and somebody else can be offended you were all evasive and didn't talk to them. Just do the best you can and don't angst it too much. If you were that great at manipulating people with your yikyak, there is more money in no limit -- and more money than that in becoming "friends" with real old people.

Note: I have links to my poker commentary right here, but it don't get much deeper than this. For entertainment purposes, rather than enrichment purposes, only!


Stunned at the news that Danny Gans has passed away so suddenly. Sounds like asthma attack or heart attack but no one knows yet. He was only 52 and looked younger. Scary stuff. Seemed like he had a lot of life ahead of him.

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