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i has a straight flush and you don't

2009-07-03 - 11:14 a.m.

Another big day for me yesterday at 30/60 LHE. I tested winning 3 racks several times and went on a second heater near the end and broke through the intra-day ceiling to cash out 4 racks minus a few scattered dollars. Yay me. It was a Tunica style game with lots of live straddles, big pots, and multi-way action -- so it's the kind of game where I feel most comfortable since it's the game I learned on. For hours we had a guy who played super-aggro pre-flop and quite passively post, a lady that was completely on tilt and just dumping until she ran out of chips, and another fishy guy who called way too loose on the cheap streets. In fact, we opened the table with these 3 guys.

I've played with the pre-flop maniac guy once before. He was sitting on the second seat to my left, so that when he puts out a live straddle, I'm always in the small blind. So he has position on me, but he puts in enough dead money that I don't especially care when he cold calls my pre-flop raises cold with 85 offsuit -- an actual hand that he beat me with, but oh well. I'll take that bet all day every day. I have no idea what hands he folds. There are some, because he actually does fold, but who the hell knows what. Anyway, when we first sat down, he's in blufftard mode, and he puts out a live straddle, and the (not yet) Tilty Lady calls, so what's that? She doesn't have a hand good enough to want to try to get heads up with a random fucking straddle hand with the dead blind money in the pot? So a sooted connecter? It folds to me, and I look down and I have A9 offsoot and, hey, it's early in the day and there's no harm in advertising that I'm completely insane, and besides with the information I have, I'm holding the best hand. So I three bet. Straddle calls, she calls.

The flop is not relevant, so I have deleted it from the memory banks. Action goes: I bet again, maniac man raises me, as I thought he might do with any two, just to see what happens.

What hapens is that the Tilty Lady folds, and finally I'm heads up, and I let the maniac keep the lead.

Turn is who knows, he bets, I call. River goes the same. He mucks, saying, "Good call, I have Queen high." But the message is still not sent until I say, "Give me a litle credit, I have at least Ace high." And I turn over my hand.

So now he knows that when I'm in the hand, I'm gonna run him down. And I can't believe how well it works. He goes back to almost completely passive post-flop play until the last hour I'm there, so it's like 8 hours where if he's playing back on the big streets, you know he has something.

Tilty Lady now has steam coming out of her ears because, "I have pocket Jacks and I open raise and you squeeze me out of the pot with A9 offsuit?" Well, lady, try to keep up. You didn't raise anything. There was a live straddle, and you called. If you had 3 bet the damn pre-flop to isolate, I wouldn't be in the hand. Needless to say, I don't open my mouth and say what I'm thinking. I just have to get chewed out for winning her pot.

OK, now here's a hand where I was in the game with a pro player that I'll call Shamwow for reasons that are obvious if you ever saw him. He gave me a ten minute lecture after the hand was over on my shitty play, but I think the other dude is the one who gave me the pot, but the other dude is twice his size, so he might as well yell at me.

There's a good player who is currently posting in the cut-off. Shamwow is on the button. I'm UTG plus 1 in a 9 player game, so you can call that early or you can call it middle, just don't call me late for dinner.

I have K9 suited. If I raise and the maniac cold calls me with one of his shit 85 offsoot hands like he's been doing, everybody will come along, and my hand is easy to play multi-way. If I raise and he folds, maybe I steal the post and the blinds, and there's some decent dead money in the pot.

The actual action is I open, cut-off calls, Shamwow three bets, blinds fold, I call, Blind Poster calls. 11-1/3 bets in the pot.

Flop is KJ3, rainbow. Jack is a spade.

I check, Blind Poster bets, Shamwow raises. What does it look like to you? It looks like a lot of things to me, considering all he's done is call bets to "protect" his post. Could be he's hoping Shamwow will raise him to knock me out, could be he's donking a straight draw, could be the dude's got a Jack. Who the hell knows? I don't put him on much, because I think if he's got a lot of hand, he could go for the check raise. So when Shamwow raises him, and I'm getting 7 to one with top pair and a backdoor flush draw, and I haven't seen much yet to scare me, I decide to three bet. If I'm actually best at this point I don't want hands like AQ or T9 hanging around to catch their gutshots, and it seems worth the investment of an extra bet.

And if I'm beat, why not find out now when I can get out cheap? I mean, ya know, if Blind Poster has, I dunno, a hand as strong as top two pair, with two opponents showing interest in the pot, I dunno, why the hell wouldn't you four bet that flop? At that point, I might have a clue train that I'm drawing nearly dead between the two of them. If he four bets and Shamwow five bets, I'm done, and you boys can fight it out amongst each other.

Instead, they call, call.

Turn is the T of spades. I have now all kindsa outs to my spade flush, and one out to a straight flush. If any spade comes on the river, I'm probably getting only one more bet out of somebody. I have to get it on the turn.

So I bet, call, call. Nobody raises me, absolutely not a thing happens to impress me. I think there's a decent shot I'm losing to a K with more kick, but they aren't making it too expensive for me to find out.

River is the Q of spades.

I bet, at this point the now deeply embittered Blind Poster folds, and Shamwow with his A high straight has to call with a decided lack of enthusiasm. I show down my straight flush, and hilarity ensues.

I'm serious. I looked at my watch. They lectured me for pretty much ten solid minutes about how terrible my flop play was. Well, dudes, you didn't exactly cover yourselves in glory either. So what you do? I just sat there and giggled like an idiot. Blind Poster insists he flopped top two, and I guess since he folded that river, he probably did. But, God, tell me I play like shit? I guess I'm not the only donkey in this fish pond.

By now, you would think I had an image as a total spewtard who never folds, and you would be right, so I was getting paid off quite light, at least on the flop and the turn - it was still pulling teeth sometimes to get some of those guys to pay off on the river -- probably a function of the fact that they're peeling flop/turn with shit and then finally realize that I'm not giving a free river to their shit so they've got to give it up. However, Tilty Lady still didn't get the message. I got in a hand with her, where I'm early and she's in the big blind. I have AA, but how the hell is she going to know that, because when I open from early, she "cleverly" just smooth calls from the big blind.

So the flop is J68, two hearts. There's like every draw in the world here for a blind smooth caller, plus I've already seen this lady four bet her flush draws, and there's no way I'm ever folding my overpair. In fact, I want to punish the flush draw for getting frisky while I'm still ahead.

So I bet, she raises, I 3 bets, she 4 bets, OK, screw it, there's always the chance that she has something here like two pair, trips, I dunno, but I decide to let her keep the lead and I'll just call down. If she does have the flush draw, she bought the free card from me and I'll hate myself in the morning but so it goes.

Turn is a 7. Well, crap, there's something toward the straight draw. She bets, I call.

River is an 8. Not a heart, and now I have a higher two pair than any two pair she might have been playing. If she was playing fast with a flush draw, she has no hope except to bet again and hope I fold. Of course, if she already had an 8, then I'm losing to trips. I conclude that my best move is to check/call, which I do, and my AA beats her AQ of offsuitedness.

Yah, so she four bet me on the flop with absolutely nothing, because I guess there's some one chance in a million she wins the lottery and I fold? She was going to lose anyway, but I don't think she needed to lose quite so much. Happy to take the donations though...

For more spewtard poker commentary, you can find the index to my poker pags by clicking right here.

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