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A Sadean take on Asimov's classic Three Laws of Robotics can be found in Roger Williams' NOW REVIEWED ON SLASHDOT!!! The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect. Adult readers only please -- explicit sex and violence. For updates on the "Dead Tree Project" and other topics, you may visit the official fan site, Passages in the Void..

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2004-06-13 - 11:28 a.m.

roman mosaic from the old baths at bath, england

All photos © 2004 by Elaine Radford

At Bath, we first toured the old Roman bath and temple site.

enclosed hot springs at bath, england

Since there is no longer a roof over the hot springs, the water has turned green. The water isn't quite as hot, nor the green quite the violent eye-piercing green, as in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Oh, and they had signs telling you not to touch the water but, well, I did anyway. Somehow I survived to tell the tale.

They did have pieces of the old hollow tile roof:

hollow roof tile

Anyone who has ever had a tree smash through their ceiling while they're in the structure can appreciate a good try at making the roof a little lighter.

Anyway, I photographed Roman coins, statuary, and old building supplies to beat the band, and I think D. got quite a few excellent shots as well.

from the old roman temple to minerva at bath
When we emerged from the Roman baths, our friends had vanished so we took a token look around, figured it was up to them to return to where we could find them, and then decided to explore Bath Abbey. I think we made the right decision, as we later learned that at least some of them had been visiting the not-terribly-exciting destination known as the local Burger King. I never would have thought of looking there. A colorful pub or tea room yeah, but a Burger King? There's nothing special about British cows these days - you can just as well get Mad Cow Disease in the United States.

bath abbey

In any case, the abbey was a fascinating structure with history going back to Norman times. They had cut away a small part of the floor to show the old Norman columns underneath. A minister pointed out how the wall of the Gethsemane chapel was sort of lopsided because it incorporated the old Norman wall.

That wasn't the only oddity about the abbey. I like to think I have some basic knowledge about theology, but what the hey? The minister or the vicar or whatever he's called -- I'm shaky on my Anglican titles -- was eager to expound on the symbolism of the interior carvings, but I'm not sure if he was ready for a question like, Yo, man, does the Blue Man Group perform here?

blue man at bath abbey

I took too many pictures of stained glass, and most of them look better bigger, so I won't post them on the internet. Desperate (ha!) friends and relatives will just have to wait for the CD. For now, here are a couple of small details:

stained glass at bath abbey, detail, angel

detail, stained glass at bath abbey, justice

The exterior of the structure also fascinated me, especially the ladders on the towers which mostly featured angels climbing to heaven but included at least a couple of demons going the other way. The door featured a griffon or perhaps a gargoyle that caught my eye:

detail, door demon or griffon at bath abbey

The town itself made a pretty show when you were driving up, with all its buildings built of some Georgian yellow-beigey stone. We could have spent hours more poking around old buildings and taking endless photographs, but time did not allow.

Note: You can read part one of my England trip by clicking right here. The bird list/photos are here, and the taxicab photos are here. Don't forget to check out Evesham Abbey and the breath-taking Worcester Cathedral.

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